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The Soyuz displayed above is a full-scale model built by the Energia Design Bureau, originator of the Soyuz spacecraft. This model lacks the thermal blanket that normally wraps the vehicle during launch and flight.

Lent by The Russian Exhibition of National Achievements

237 k jpeg
SI#: 97-15880-1


Several versions of the Soyuz spacecraft have been built, including:

  • Original Soyuz, 1966, which held up to three cosmonauts without spacesuits.
  • Soyuz ferry, 1972, to carry two spacesuited cosmonauts and equipment to and from the Salyut space station.
  • Soyuz T ("transport"), 1979, a longer-duration vehicle to carry three spacesuited cosmonauts to and from the space station.
  • Soyuz TM ("modified transport"), 1986, a further refinement to serve the Mir space station.

As the spacecraft evolved, more efficient electronics and navigation systems were added to the basic design, and the landing module interior was rearranged to make it more spacious. A version of the Soyuz will be used as a crew rescue vehicle serving the International Space Station.


The rocket that launches the Soyuz manned spacecraft is also called Soyuz. Used since 1963, the three-stage Soyuz launch vehicle has been modified several times. It is related to the rocket that launched Sputnik, the first satellite.

The Soyuz launch vehicle can loft a payload weighing up to 7,500 kilograms (16,500 pounds) into low Earth orbit. It is also used to launch scientific and military satellites.

Soyuz launch vehicle
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SI#: 86-2919
310 k jpeg

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